Spanish for Travellers


Spanish for Travellers


Spanish For Travellers is the perfect course for you if you are planning your next trip to Latin America or Spain. Surely, you don’t want to rock up to Madrid or Buenos Aires and speak in slow loud English? Locals will be much more impressed with you if you’ve made the effort to learn some basic Spanish beforehand.

At the end of this course you will be able to introduce yourself and meet new people in Spanish. You will also learn how to order food and drinks, get directions, book a hotel, catch a bus, plane or train and even ask somebody out on a date! Which may come in useful if you are on a solo getaway.

Course structure is:

DAY 1: Greetings - Que Tal?

Alphabet and pronunciation

Questions & answers to basic questions (name, nationality, profession, age etc.)

Ask or say where are you going

DAY 2: Food and drinks - Tengo Hambre!

Ordering in a restaurant or bar (two cervezas por favor!)


Say what you like or dislike

DAY 3: Getting around the city

Asking for directions

Bus stations, train stations and airports

Catching a taxi

DAY 4: Daily phrases and questions

Telling and asking the time

Timetables, opening and closing hours

Useful polite and cultural phrases

DAY 5: Vocabulary for holidays

Vocabulary for filling out forms (Visas, bank forms, passport info)

Vocabulary for the human body (incase you need go see a doctor)


This class will run every Thursday 7.30 pm for 5 weeks

2020 dates: 13/8 17/9 29/10 3/12


$150 per person, includes materials and beverages. PROMO CODE HOLA2020 - for 20% OFF!

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